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Call for Applications – Travel Grants: “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”, October 23-25, 2024 at the DHI Paris

Deadline: September 16, 2024

NFDI4Memory, together with the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP), is awarding four travel grants for early career researchers to attend the conference “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”, which will take place from 23-25 October 2024 at the DHI Paris.

In recent years, interest in the history of the digital humanities has grown. The 9th dhiha conference at the German Historical Institute Paris from 23-25 October 2024 will connect to this growing interest. It will explore the overlooked history of digital history from different perspectives and emphasize the importance of understanding the field’s past by examining historical developments, methods, and research gaps. The aim is to highlight past achievements and offer a critical perspective on the evolution of digital history, challenging the rhetoric of novelty that often surrounds it. The conference program can be found here:

Applications are open to Master’s students and doctoral candidates in the field of digital history or digital humanities.

In return, you commit to accompanying the conference in the media, e.g. in the form of a conference report, a blog post, a photo story on Instagram, postings on the official Mastodon or X-account of the DHIP, a podcast, mini-videos, etc. (but we are happy about any creative format!). You can choose the language in which you want to write!

Please apply by 16 September 2024 by e-mail to with a letter of motivation (max. 2 pages) containing a brief outline of your ideas for media coverage of the conference and a short CV in tabular form (max. 1 page) in a merged PDF file. If your application is successful, you will receive a grant of up to 400 euros (from Germany/Europe) and up to 200 euros (from France) to cover travel and accommodation costs for the conference. The funds will be paid out after submission of receipts and after submission of your contribution to the media coverage of the conference.

Acceptances will be announced by e-mail by 20 September 2024.


Funding content Four travel grants, max. € 200.00 each from France, max. € 400.00 from the rest of Europe to the conference “History of the Digital History” at the GHI Paris, October 23-25, 2024, Program of the conference:
Eligible for fundingEarly Career Researcher (Master’s students and doctoral candidates in the field of digital history or digital humanities)
ApplicationLetter of motivation (max. 2 pages) containing a brief outline of your ideas for media coverage of the conference and a short CV in tabular form (max. 1 page) in a merged PDF file by e-mail to:
DeadlineSeptember 16, 2024
CoordinationMareike König


Mareike König

Dr. Mareike König ist stellvertretende Direktorin am Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris. Sie leitet das deutschsprachige Blogportal für die Geisteswissenschaften

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Mareike König (19. August 2024). Call for Applications – Travel Grants: “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”, October 23-25, 2024 at the DHI Paris. Digital Humanities am DHIP. Abgerufen am 24. Januar 2025 von

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